The working group of Friends of Bartonsham Meadows is a team drawn from local residents, representatives, experts and activists in ecology, archeology, history and local governance.

Charlie Arthur
Charlie Arthur is a local resident and works as a consultant archaeologist. He began his career excavating the medieval sites of Hereford and went on to work in Ireland and southern Africa. He is often to be found walking or running in the meadows and is committed to making this an ecological and social resource that future generations will be proud of.
Mo Burns

Mo is Tree Warden for Central ward, committee member of the Hereford Branch of the Herefordshire Wildlife Trust and grandma of 10. Mo wants Hereford to be a model healthy city for all generations, now and to come.

Gareth Dart
Like many in the vicinity, Gareth appreciates having the Meadows on the doorstep and found them even more attractive during lockdown when they served as an outdoor classroom as well as a place for exercise and contemplation. Gareth works as a senior lecturer at the University of Worcester and so is used to sitting on committees/working groups of various sorts. He is glad that the Friends of Bartonsham Meadow are one such that actually gets something done.
Anna Gundrey

Anna is a local resident and consultant ecologist.

Dick Jones (Treasurer)
Dick had a career in chemistry, accountancy and consultancy across many sectors including charities. He has always had a love of nature and volunteers for Herefordshire Wildlife Trust.
Bill Laws

Bill Laws is the author of National Geographics’ Field Guide to Fields and Fifty Plants that Changed the Course of History. He’s a founder member of Bartonsham History Group.

Jeremy Milln, Councillor
Elected to the Council in May 2019, Jeremy considers it a privilege to represent the Central ward, which includes almost the entire area of the City as Taylor knew it in 1757 plus the Victorian and later suburbs of St James and Portfields. Jeremy has a background in archaeology and curatorship, much of it for the National Trust, and particular interest in conservation and interpretation of the historic environment. Particular interests include the sensitive and socially beneficial adaptation of underused historic buildings, in green infrastructure in urban environments and in improving health outcomes through better housing.
Contact for Council matters or for everything else.
Will Steel

Will is a local resident and dog walker and is out on the meadows most days. He has a professional background in rights of way and is a former director of the Institute of Public Rights of Way & Access Management. He is keen to see the meadows managed in an environmentally sensitive way whilst maximising opportunities for the public to enjoy them.

Ruth Westoby
Convenor, Friends of Bartonsham Meadows
Ruth is a local resident compelled to act by her child questioning why the fields were the ‘wrong’ colour. She is a doctoral researcher at SOAS, University of London.